Neat Video and other plug-ins

general questions about Neat Video
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Neat Video and other plug-ins

Post by Joran »


It seems to me that one cannot apply ANY other effects / plug-ins when using Neat Video. This is what I’ve experienced when using Neat Video in Adobe Premiere 1 and 2 and VirtualDub. Is this correct?

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Post by NVTeam »

I don't think other effects cannot be applied, they very much can (I saw no examples where other effects couldn't be applied).

However, we do recommend to put Neat Video on the first place in the sequence of filters in Premiere, whenever possible. This is because Neat Video has to get the correct video data for profiling and if Neat Video is not the first then it can be given video data that does not correspond to the position of the filter in the sequence.

Please describe your setup in a bit more details and I will try to figure out what is causing troubles.

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Location: Oslo, Norway

Post by Joran »


In Adobe Premiere Elements I have tested Neat Video in conjunction with the video stabilizer Steady Move from 2d3. And I placed Neat Video after the stabilizing plug-in. Premiere Elements would not render Neat Video unless I deactivated Steady Move.

But when I think about it, both video stabilizing and noise removing is very process intensive and changes the dv-avi files in a fundamental way.

Therefore I will first stabilize my clips and save the resulting file as a new dv-avi file. Then I will reduce noise (using that new and stabilized dv-avi file) and save the resulting file as a new dv-avi file. Or I will do it in the reverse order.

I have used the noise reduction plug-in in TMPGEnc 3.0 Xpress and it seems that it’s best to perform noise reduction after stabilizing the video when I use temporal noise reduction. The explanation is probably that the picture is more stable so the inter-temporal comparison is more accurate when the video is stabilized.

What do you think: Is it best to first stabilize the video and then reduce noise, or should I first reduce noise and then stabilise the video?

Best Regards,
Posts: 2750
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:12 pm

Post by NVTeam »

I think you are right about the stabilization, if it is done before noise reduction then the temporal filter has more opportunities to reduce noise levels using data from several frames. In any case, please try to do that both ways to see if this theory is correct for your video sequences.

Thank you,
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