The best way to batch de-noise hundreds of video clips

questions about practical use of Neat Video, examples of use
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The best way to batch de-noise hundreds of video clips

Post by sil »

I have several hundred rushes clips I need to de-noise but manually creating a unique profile for each clip would take too long. Is there a semi-automated way to create unique profiles, de-noise and export each clip individually?

An alternative possibility is that, in most cases NV test cards would be shot per camera, location and day which could be used to generate a profile that can be used across all clips in that group. Is there an automated or semi-automated workflow for this?

My preferred host is Resolve on a Windows PC but would consider other hosts or command line if it allows for more automation.
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Re: The best way to batch de-noise hundreds of video clips

Post by NVTeam »

There is no fully automatic solution to that. You can just save some time by doing repeating operations only once where possible.
Specifically, if several clips show the same noise (if they were shot by one camera in the same shooting mode), then you can save some time on creating noise profiles and filter settings. You can build one noise profile for a specific combination of camera-mode and then load the profile into instances of Neat Video applied to clips shot with that combination of camera-mode. The same can be done with the filter settings saved to and loaded from filter preset.
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