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Auto Fine Tune Clarification

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:04 am
by Noisy Nick
If I understand the tutorial and the user manual correctly, then Auto Fine-Tune is not required when one applies Auto Profile either in fully automatic or semi-automatic mode (as Auto Fine-Tune is applied automatically in these cases) but only when one loads a pre-existing noise profile and is applying it to a new video clip.

However, I notice that, after applying Auto Profile to a user-selected area, if I then apply Auto Fine Tune, the graph in Advanced Mode changes. What changes is it making here if Auto-Fine Tune has supposedly already been applied automatically? Incidentally, if I apply Auto-Fine Tune once more the graph is unchanged.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 11:50 am
by NVTeam
Auto Profile uses a slightly different version of Auto Fine-Tune. That version is specifically oriented on building a fresh new noise profile as a part of Auto Profile process.

The Auto Fine-Tune function (the Auto Fine-Tune button that you use) on the other hand is oriented on adapting an existing profile (typically developed using another clip) to the noise present in the current clip.

So, there is a slight difference in the way Auto Fine-Tune works on its own and as a part of Auto Profile. Hence that slight difference in the graphs. That is no bug, it is by design.

Still, it make no sense to use Auto Fine-Tune immediately after Auto Profile, because Auto Fine-Tune (the button) is designed for another purpose: to adjust an existing noise profile (built using a different clip) to the current clip.

Thank you,

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 4:22 am
by Noisy Nick
Thanks for the quick response - I understand it clearly now.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:40 am
by barney
Excellent question and answer. Consider adding this under profiling.html or qna.html or both.

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:38 am
by JDW
I'm pleased that Noisy Nick and barney received some clarification in the above answer, but I am still trying to get my head around the Fine-Tune feature.

I have a clip with noise. The Auto feature is quite good, but I am thinking if it couldn't be even better. There are dark and light seconds of the clip which could be used to noise reduction. The colors in those sections vary too. Wouldn't it be useful to sketch a green square in one section of the frame, and then be able to sketch another green square in another section of the same frame, and have Neat Video compare the two green blocks? Wouldn't the noise reduction be improved by doing that?

Or say I have another clip where the only usable sections of the frame are very, very tiny. So logically, I would think that I should be able to sketch out a tiny yellow square in say 5 separate areas of that frame to then have Neat Video compare all of them and apply the best noise reduction accordingly.

Maybe what I am talking about is possible even now but I just overlooked how to accomplish it when watching your tutorial videos. Do you understand what I mean?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 7:47 am
by NVTeam
What you are describing is called manual profiling. You can manually select several areas and add measurements of noise in those areas by using (manual) Fine-Tune button. Please see the description of the automatic, semi-automatic and manual profiling available in Neat Video user guide.

When you use Auto Profile, it finds and analyze not just the main area shown to user but also multiple additional areas around the frame automatically, to save time of user. You can rely on that automated procedure or you can add some manual measurements too. That is described in the user guide.

Thank you,

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:07 am
by JDW
Thank you for the info, Vlad. I see that on page 33 in the FCPX guide for v4 of Neat Video:

So basically:

1) Select a featureless area of 16x16 up to 256x256 pixels.
2) Click the Manual Fine-Tune button.
3) Repeat (1) & (2) above for other sections of the frame with different brightness.
4) Click the Auto-Complete button to finish.


Thank you.