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How treat a specific color

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:25 am
by jpsdr

I have a little issue. I have build a noise profile for a movie (an anime), but in this movie, there is a very specific color (an almost pure red), where noise is different/higher. Despite the fact of having been able to (i think) correctly manualy tune this specific color, when i apply filter, everything is "perfectly" filtered, except parts with this specific color.
Just to be clear, it's not a specific scene issue.

Any idea ?

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:59 am
by NVTeam
I would try to manually adjust the red curve of the noise equalizer. Perhaps that could help.


Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:00 am
by jpsdr
I think i've somehow allready done that, because when i manualy fine tune selecting a huge part with this red color, the "last-1" red square gone up from around 0% to +100%. But after reprocess all the movie, no visual great change. It produces a somehow "odd" result, having in a picture, everything "clean", and these specific parts... Don't misunderstand, i'm not complaining, i'm very happy with the results NV had always provided to me, just trying to get how to improve the result from a specific case you may probably have encounter.
I can still try to increase it a little more, and maybe increase also increase a little increase the "last" and "last-2". I'll try this WE.
If it may help, and are interesting in and have time, i can this WE provide to you a little part of movie and the profile i've build. Part will be unfortunately very small in number of frames, because 1080p results in big files...

A little question : When activate "Preview", is the result only the spatial filter, or also the temporal filter, if radius is set to 2 for exemple, and "Adaptative filtering" is selected ?

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:43 am
by NVTeam
Inside the main window of NV, you see the result of the spatial filter only. The preview in VD itself shows the result of both spatial and temporal filters.

Please send a small sample clip and profile to our e-mail address.

Thank you,

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:38 am
by jpsdr
I'll send you a link (maybe in several hours when back home, otherwise this WE) where to download, because even short, i think the sample clip will be at least around 200MB. It will be YV12 UT Video Codec 13.1.0.

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:36 pm
by jpsdr
I've provided you a link i've send to "support".

Retreive it as soon as possible, and notify me when done, i'll delete it asap afterward.


Edit : Forget to specify in the ReadMe : Input and Output color depth in VD : YV12, compression UT Video.