Free Memory Block Error

resolve technical issues related to use of Neat Video
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Free Memory Block Error

Post by devinhfox »

I have a Vegas 7 project that I am rendering with a purchased pro version of Neat Video.
When it was rendering the portions with NeatImage, the rendering stalled and I got an error indicating "Neat VIdeo cannot get free memory block."


If it helps, my system is a AMD Quadcore (Phenom X4 9600) with 3 GB DDR2 Memory(800 MHz).

I am rendering to wmv, and the source files are Cineform avi files (HD).
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Post by NVTeam »

rendering with a purchased pro version of Neat Video.
When it was rendering the portions with NeatImage

Anyway, the error message means there is not enough memory resources at some point. The combination of Vegas + input codec + Neat Video + output codec components required too much memory and ran out of it. In the end, Windows was not able to provide another block and Neat Video reported that because it couldn't continue without that block (it could be useful to see the whole that error message).

Please try the following adjustments:

1. adjust the Vegas settings that may affect its memory footprint; in Vegas options, in Video tab:
- set Dynamic RAM preview max to 0
- reduce Maximum number of rendering threads

2. make Neat Video require less memory:

- disable support for multi-core processors in Neat Video Options (General tab)
- reduce the temporal filter radius

3. use another input and/or output codec that may use less memory

4. enable the /3GB option in Windows; also restart Windows and close unnecessary applications before rendering any HD footage;

5. simplify the project (remove unnecessary other filters)

Hope this helps,
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Post by devinhfox »

Heh, I meant NeatVideo, sorry. NeatImage is a nice program though also.

Anyway, I tried the /3GB switch, didn't work. I upgraded my system to 4GB RAM, didn't help.
Turned off multi-processor support, didn't work. Turned the dynamic ram preview to 50 mBytes, didn't help.
I'm not sure which filters you suggest removing, as they are all necessary (otherwise why would I use them?).

The only thing that worked is rendering the files in a separate project one-at-a-time, then re-importing them into the main project in Vegas.
Whatever, it seems to work fine enough with this method, although I wish it could do it more robustly. Perhaps in Vista it will work better.
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Post by redrob »

devinhfox wrote:<snip>Perhaps in Vista it will work better.
I use Vista as my primary editing machine.. quad processor Q6600.. Vegas 8. When it works, it works great. But I get that same memory error that you get...

Are you applying the effect to events or to the media? One theory I have is that when Neat Video is applied to multiple events, for some reason it's not freeing up memory blocks which eventually leads to this error. I have nothing to base that on, but think applied to media vs. events you may have better success.

I personally apply to events vs. media because in the past I vaguely recall that when applied to media, it slowed rendering down across the entire render period, and when applied to events it only slowed down when an event which used Neat Video had to be rendered.

In my case, I get the error *not* when I am rendering.. simply editing in the timeline.

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Post by devinhfox »

Can't say I know the diff between event and media, but I simply drag and drop onto the clip I want to reduce noise on. Seems to only happen when I render.
Workaround was to create separate project, import clip, apply neat video, render to hdv, the re_import to my main project.

Annoying, but this was a continuous clip 15 mins in length. Perhaps piling effects and neat video was too much for a long clip.
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Post by NVTeam »

Do you use the 32-bit or 64-bit version of everything (Windows, Vegas, Neat Video for Vegas)?

The 64-bit version is much less likely to have that problem. If you have a choice, it may be more efficient to switch to the 64-bit version.

If you have to stick to the 32-bit version, make sure you run the latest build. If it still shows a memory error at any moment, please e-mail all available details (screenshots, any logs, test clips and projects helping to reproduce the problem) to support [at] We will analyse the gathered information and try to find a solution. There may be many possible causes of the issue and we need all available evidence to diagnose it in each particular case.

Thank you,
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log files

Post by redrob »

Hey Vlad,

I'd be happy to send log files and such next time it occurs. It just happened to me 20 minutes ago. I had two instances of the error box with the memory block error -- pressing "OK" or trying to close the window got nowhere (just kept popping back up) so I had to kill the instance of Vegas.

What log files would you have me send? The project file is no problem... what else?

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Windows logs

Post by redrob »

FYI.. I checked the Application and System logs (Windows Event Viewer) and don't see anything around the time of the error message.
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Post by NVTeam »

What could be used to diagnose an issue:

1. The screenshot of the error message. It may contain the diagnostic information.
2. Details about your system (bug report form can be used), including the versions of all software involved.
3. Sample project (not because the project is bad, but because it shows how exactly you use Neat Video in it, where (in event, track, media, etc.), with which settings).
4. Any instructions on how to reproduce the issue. Perhaps you can identify a specific sequence of steps that reliably leads to the problem.
5. Some screenshots of the Windows Task Manager (its Processes and Performance tabs) showing the current memory reading.
6. If the application crashes, then there should be crash logs. In Vista you can find them in Start->Control Panel->System Maintenance->Problem Reports and Solutions
Please note that they will only show a crash log in case of an actual crash. The error message about the lack of memory will not generate a crash, so this item is related to other cases, not to that memory message.

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Same problem here

Post by tthoms »

I have exactly the same problem. Has any progress been made on the subject?
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Post by NVTeam »

Yes, the progress has been made. Please provide us with more information about the problem in your case, please send us the diagnostic information listed in my message above. This will help us identify the cause and offer a solution.

Thank you,
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