Unreliable crashing and performance from many different machines.

resolve technical issues related to use of Neat Video
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Unreliable crashing and performance from many different machines.

Post by speeddemon »

I'm testing various rendering machines I have on hand with latest version of NeatVideo 5.
Using Resolve 16.2.3 and latest Nvidia Studio Driver 451.48 released today, on Windows 10.

I have a few machines with similar hardware, apart from GPUs, available to help troubleshoot this process:
2x RTX 2080TI:
GPU Only Mode:
Crashes when both GPUs are selected, regardless of memory selected.
Single GPU works okay.

CPU Mode:
Works Fine

CPU + GPU Mode:
Same settings selected as above, but slower results by half.

2x 1080TI
I have two separate machines configured the same way. Each performs differently with same project file.
One crashes and the other renders very fast with both GPUs selected..

Is there any method to this madness? I find if I run "Optimized Settings" it's considerably slower then setting to a single GPU or CPU Rendering.

Trying to plan out reliable settings that will give me the best speeds.

Sorry I posted twice! Can't delete posts.
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Re: Unreliable crashing and performance from many different machines.

Post by NVTeam »

Crashing with two GPUs sounds like the problem of drivers described in this page.
Please double-check the version of drivers on those machines and possibly downgrade to one of the known good versions for a test.

Also, try to switch Resolve itself from using the GPU in CUDA mode to OpenCL or vice versa. Sometimes that helps too.

Generally, it may be a good idea to dedicate one of the GPUs to Neat Video alone and another GPU to Resolve alone by adjusting the preferences of both Resolve and Neat Video that way. Then each tool will get its own computing device and will not have to compete with the other one for the GPU resources, which may lead to the overall improvement in render speed.

Hope this helps,
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Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2020 5:12 pm

Re: Unreliable crashing and performance from many different machines.

Post by speeddemon »

Hello. We're using the latest NVIDIA Studio Driver, 451.86.

With one GPU selected in Resolve, freeing the second 1080 TI for NeatVideo, I'm seeing crashing. I've only selected 50% memory on this free GPU. This either occurs when rendering begins, or when looking at the timeline in the color tab.

I have a dump that I can send to you.
Posts: 2750
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:12 pm

Re: Unreliable crashing and performance from many different machines.

Post by NVTeam »

Please contact support by e-mail (support at neatvideo.com) and send the crash dump as well as screenshots showing Neat Video's Preferences > Performance settings and Resolve's GPU settings.

Thank you,
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