Scan Video for best auto profile frame

suggest a way to improve Neat Video
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Scan Video for best auto profile frame

Post by AH »

I'm using the VirtualDub version of the filter and I like the filter a lot.

What maybe would be a very useful improvement, is a scan video function, that scans the frames of the video, to find the frame that gives the best result for the auto profile function (highest quality) - so that no manual frame selection for the auto profile is necesary.

Eg. the DeLogo filter has got such a "scan video" function within the filter dialog.
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Post by NVTeam »

Thank you for an interesting suggestion. Yes, this indeed could be a way to automate profiling and/or to produce more accurate profiles in NV.

I am adding this idea to the wish list.

Thank you,
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Scan video for ISO and dB levels for using the proper profil

Post by janee »

Hi Vlad!

I'm a very happy user of NeatImage Pro+ and now testing NeatVideo demo.
It rocks!

One requests for v2.0:

Please scan the avi for metadatas. I think if timecode is in the AVI some other camera info might also be there (Sony cameras can read back the ISO level and amplification dB level from the tape so it is maybe also in the AVI file!).

I would be happy if a pass1 scan would collect infos that eg. the first 2 minutes is ISO200 with 18dB amplifiation (extremly noisy) but after I went outdoor it is ISO50 with 0dB ampl. So there is hard to find noise after 2 minutes.

This needs of course 2 noise profiles, so the pass1 should try to collect the best frames for noise profile generation too. After this, NV should auto-generate and auto-fine tune the noise profiles from the selected images. After or before this it would be nice to let the user check these frames and let him regenerate the dnp as he wish.

If these infos are all together, pass2 can start and filter the whole video on one night :-)

Right now I need to split the videos where the ISO level changes (eg. from indoor to outdoor) to several parts, scan for a proper frame in every part and create the dnp and filter these parts separately. This eats up lot of time and it is annoying because this could be done by the software.

I am looking forward for the next major release containing this feature before buying.

Please don't let me wait too long :-)

Best regards,
Janos Horvath-Varga (hvj)
Posts: 2750
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Post by NVTeam »

Hi, Janos.

Thank you for the suggestions regarding automated profiling. Yes, we are working on this aspect of NV functionality and I expect there will be certain new features in the next updates to automatically adjust the filter to changing video footage. It is going to significantly facilitate profiling just in cases like those you describe.

Also, I will add your ideas to our wish list.

Thank you very much,
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