Feature request: chromatic aberration & lens correction

suggest a way to improve Neat Video
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Feature request: chromatic aberration & lens correction

Post by rniessner »


I am a happy user aif Neat Video and it delivers great results.
Nevertheless I have 2 feature requests:

1. Ability to remove chromatic aberration and purple fringing
This one would be very important for me as there exists no software atm which can do this for video in high quality, but it would improve perceived sharpness and picture quality.

2. Ability to do lens barrel correction
The wider a lens, the more it tends to distort an image (barrel).
It would be great to have the possibility to shoot a target, do a calibration for a certain focal length and have the ability to remove the distortion.
This one would be nice, but it is not no. 1 one my list.

If needed I can provide the developers with sample footage.
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Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:12 pm

Post by NVTeam »

Thank for these suggestions, I will add them to our list of wishes for new products. Both things are important but I guess it would be more reasonable to implement them as separate filter plug-ins, so I put them to that list.

Thank you very much,
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