a bit blurry

questions about practical use of Neat Video, examples of use
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a bit blurry

Post by sonics »

I am trying the demo version on premiere with some noisy clips made on a compact camera with 640x480 clips indoors. (my camcorder is a HV20)

When profiling my example I couldnt make a noise profile without warnings like R clipping, or area not uniform in Y channel. The clip was quite "red"

My question is that I could remove most of the visible noise but have difficulty to keep the clip as sharp as the original. Is this something you have to live with or is it a matter of more experimenting?
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Post by NVTeam »

It is difficult to tell without seeing anything you have been working with, but in any case, I would try several different clips to check how the filtration results generally can look like. Then you will know if this specific "red" is filtered the way it normally should or there is some degradation of quality caused by using a low quality noise profile. Or try to manually build a profile for the "red" clip by manually selecting an area for analysis (assuming that you used Auto Profile only). Also, you can reduce the noise reduction amount in the luminance channel and instead increse the temporal filter radius, one thing may somewhat compensate the other.

Hope this helps,
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Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:01 pm

Post by sonics »

I tried another clip.

I made it with my HV20 in low light conditions and made a 100% crop out of it till I got 640x480 1:33 aspect ratio to meet the demo requirements.

The result is way better than my 1st attempt.
I could make a profile without warnings as well.

The last 2 seconds with the black dog is just too dark for the camera to handle properbly without causing tons of noise.

clip with noise

clip without noise

The fine details of the red blanket are somewhat lost. I couldn't fix that part without leaving too much noise on the clip.
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Post by NVTeam »

Yes, it looks good. Did you try to increase the Temporal filter radius?
Also, please try the Adaptive Filtration option.

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Joined: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:51 pm

Post by Lugarimo »

Here's mine: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TBQBQKEX

How did I do, NVTeam? Am I a pro yet?

Thanks again for the filter, I'm still amazed at how great it is. I would buy it so I could stop resizing to 576x432 to avoid the logo but I have no credit card. I have been meaning to get a paypal account, but I would still need a credit card, right?
Posts: 2750
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:12 pm

Post by NVTeam »

Looks good too. :-)

Regarding Paypal, I am not sure but in the past it was possible to register there using a bank account.

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