Neat Video v1.0

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Neat Video v1.0

Post by NVTeam »

New product from makers of Neat Image: Neat Video v1.0

ABSoft is pleased to announce the release a new line of digital noise reduction products: Neat Video.

Neat Video is a filter designed to reduce visible noise and grain in digital video sequences. Neat Video is based on the technology developed in the Neat Image project. Neat Image has been setting the standard in image noise reduction for several years already and we hope that Neat Video will be just as successful in the field of video processing.

Neat Video utilizes advanced noise reduction algorithms that take into account noise characteristics of particular video capturing devices. This allows Neat Video to draw a clear distinction between noise and details in individual video frames and to reduce only noise elements. In addition, Neat Video offers a powerful temporal filter to further reduce noise and grain by analysing consequent frames.

Neat Video is specifically developed with modern video processing in mind. Neat Video fits into common video procesing workflows based on such well-known tools as Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, and VirtualDub.

Please find more details about Neat Video at the product webpage.

Best regards,