Noice capture is moving around

resolve technical issues related to use of Neat Video
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Lars Andersson
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Noice capture is moving around

Post by Lars Andersson »

This is starting to freaking me out. Many times when I select an area to capture noise the stupid program moves to another frame and make my own selection absolete. I guess it thinks it gets better noise but in most cases it's completely useless. From time to time I have to select MY area several times and still Neat Video decides it can get a better one. How on earth do I stop this behavour? I want to decide my own area to capture noise. By the way I'm using Magix Pro 2016.
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Re: Noice capture is moving around

Post by NVTeam »

If you observe this behavior when you click the Build Profile button in Neat Video 5 after selecting an area in the frame, then it is by design. The plug-in takes your selected area as the first candidate and then also compares it with the same area in other frames around the current one to see if it would be better to use the same area from one of those frames where the original noise may be better preserved. This is the default behavior of the Build Profile button.

There is also an easy way to force the plug-in to build a profile using the very area you have selected, without looking for other frames. To do that please either use the menu Profile > Build Profile (Current Frame)
or click and hold the Build Profile button first and then select Build Profile (Current Frame) in the popup menu.

If you have an example clip where the default behavior of the Build Profile button doesn't work well, please kindly send it to support [at] for analysis. Perhaps there is something unusual in it that we need to additionally take into account to make the function work better.

Thank you,
Lars Andersson
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Re: Noice capture is moving around

Post by Lars Andersson »

Thanks for the reply...

I'm digitalizing 8mm and 16mm for my customers and in many cases the scenes are very short so I can have more than 500 scenes to use Neat Video on just one reel. This is just an extra work for me and time is money. It should be possible to make Neat Video to always use the current frame and not as it is today. It's really easy to forget that it moves around when I have many scenes to work with, and the result can be anything from okay to horrible when Neat Video decides to move to another frame where it selects an area with a lot of details or something else. Sure it’s a matter of subject decision when you select an area but today I’m rather comfort how to work with Neat Video and select the area for my noise capture. Other people would maybe select a different area but I need to do this in a pretty fast tempo. The record so far is more than 3000 scenes for just 1 customer and I have many. So if it’s not possible today to stop Neat Video from choose a different area then please implement it ASAP.

By the way...

Neat Video usually capture an area I don't like.

Lars Andersson
Posts: 2750
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Re: Noice capture is moving around

Post by NVTeam »

> when Neat Video decides to move to another frame where it selects an area with a lot of details

That is not supposed to happen and we try to make it NOT do that. If you see otherwise, please send us a sample clip where that can be observed.

To make Neat Video not look at other frames, please use the method suggested in my previous reply.

Thank you,
Lars Andersson
Posts: 7
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Re: Noice capture is moving around

Post by Lars Andersson »

Dear Vlad

I don’t think you understand how time-consuming it is to always right-click for the popup-menu then select “use current frame” all the time. Today I have done more than 2000 scenes and to always right-click and chose ”use current frame” is so frustrating. My solution to this is to use Neat Video 4 but then I don’t understand the use of Neat Video 5. It’s a nice program but for the moment it just makes my work harder. Let say it takes 1 second to do this action (I promise it will even take longer) I would have spent more than 30 minutes extra today and that is just something I don’t have the time for.
Even if Neat Video picks a better area in 99% of the time there’s still a chance it won’t. That means I always have to check what happens. Your software is amazing but this implementation doesn’t work for all, at least not for me. I can’t understand that I would be that difficult to implement a setting that says “Always use current frame”. Problem solved.


Lars Andersson
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Re: Noice capture is moving around

Post by NVTeam »

I think we will add a shortcut (a special key) to do that function Build Profile (Current Frame).
That should be the simplest solution to implement and to use when you need it.

Lars Andersson
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Oct 25, 2018 4:11 pm

Re: Noice capture is moving around

Post by Lars Andersson »

Thanks for your reply Vlad!

Don’t get me wrong, because I do appreciate the effort you’re doing but a short-cut will not simplify my work. Maybe I will save a few minutes but it’s still one extra thing to do. As I said before I believe that your way of letting Neat Video chose a better profile area can be good for many users, but not in my case. The only thing that will make me use Neat Video 5 again will be a setting where I can choose to “always” use current frame instead of making this decision every single time I will select an area for noise. I have a hard time to believe that this would be so hard to implement. This will just give some of us the freedom to decide how we want to work. Meanwhile I will rest my case. I won’t get the same result in Neat 4 but it will still simplify my work a lot.

Lars Andersson
Posts: 2750
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:12 pm

Re: Noice capture is moving around

Post by NVTeam »

I have noted your suggestion too and we will discuss possible options in our team before making an implementation decision.

Thank you for the suggestion.

Posts: 2750
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Re: Noice capture is moving around

Post by NVTeam »

Hi again,

We have added in v5.5 a keyboard shortcut to build a profile using the current frame: Shift+F2.
Also, you can hold Shift and click the Auto Profile button for the same effect.

Thank you,
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