I have noticed that my video shifts pink/magenta after processing / noise reduction. There also seems to be a little more "banding" happening as well. Can someone take a look and let me know if they think I am doing something wrong?
Images comparison: https://imgur.com/a/bne4j3V
I included my settings in the imgur link as well.
Pink Shift
Re: Pink Shift
Is this happening in Premiere?
Do you see the shift already in the Prepare Noise Profile panel of the Neat Video plug-in?
Do you see the shift already in the Prepare Noise Profile panel of the Neat Video plug-in?
Re: Pink Shift
yes, this is happening in premiere. I don't see the shift in the noise profile panel because its LOG footage so I can't easily distinguish before hitting apply
Re: Pink Shift
Please disable or remove the Reduce Noise v5 effect from the clip and instead add the Color Balance effect. Do not change any settings in that effect (just keep the defaults 0's). Do you see any change in the preview of Premiere in this case as well?
Re: Pink Shift
I do not seem to have a "Color Balance" Effect.
Re: Pink Shift
Please see this part of Premiere documentation. It describes that effect in the "Color Balance effect" subsection.