Can Neat Video generate a noise/grain pattern to match the plate?

questions about practical use of Neat Video, examples of use
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Can Neat Video generate a noise/grain pattern to match the plate?

Post by billgilman »

Sorry if this has been covered - and particularly sorry if this is an existing feature (documentation please if so!) - but can I use Neat Video to create a generic grain pattern that matches the original? I can get the source grain that's removed (ie minus between the two in a merge node in Nuke, then plus back onto final comped degrained image) pretty easily, but that grain is frame specific, and if I'm adding an ungrained image (CG or comp patch, etc) I need to generate new but matching grain for that element / part of frame. The pattern is different for bright elements vs. dark elements (I think... that's definitely true when generating grain through Nuke, not sure if Neat's algorithm makes that distinction).

If this option doesn't exist, I highly recommend adding it for future versions of Neat Video, and I won't even charge you for the idea,

Live it

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Re: Can Neat Video generate a noise/grain pattern to match the plate?

Post by NVTeam »

Unfortunately generating a noise pattern is not currently supported by Neat Video. This was suggested before but anyway, thank you for the free idea. :-)

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Re: Can Neat Video generate a noise/grain pattern to match the plate?

Post by ckuehne »

Are there plans to add this feature? I would think it would be massively popular with compositors, as removing grain is crucial to creating clean plates, but then it needs to be added back in. Is it not possible to take the information on what was removed and then save that profile, so it can be applied back to footage?

Thank you!
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Re: Can Neat Video generate a noise/grain pattern to match the plate?

Post by NVTeam »

It is not really trivial to add it back. This is in the wish list but there is no specific plan yet.

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Re: Can Neat Video generate a noise/grain pattern to match the plate?

Post by ckuehne »

Hi! I was wondering if there are any updates on adding this feature?

Thank you!
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