Premiere 25 ACEScct support?

general questions about Neat Video
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Premiere 25 ACEScct support?

Post by Trixter »

It was just announced today (and should be available in today's Premiere Pro beta) that Premiere Pro 25 will finally have an ACES-like workflow, where all clips are transformed into an ACEScct colorspace for editing, and then transformed in the output path to the target colorspace. So, I have questions:
  1. Can I use NeatVideo 5.6.5 with the beta?
  2. Will I be able to use NeatVideo 5.6.5 with the final version of Premiere Pro 25 coming out in October?
  3. If the answer to #1 and #2 is "no":
    1. When will a new version of NeatVideo arrive such that it is compatible with this new colorspace handling in Premiere Pro 25?
    2. At what stage of the transformation pipeline will NeatVideo be applied: To the original clip's colorspace before conversion to ACES, or after conversion to ACES?
(ACEScct is a 32-bit float log implementation of ACEScc:
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Re: Premiere 25 ACEScct support?

Post by NVTeam »

We will be able to test the new functions using the new beta version and will then see if this works well and if this can be recommended for noise reduction operations in Premiere. My guess is that technically the current version of the plug-in will work with this new workflow directly but it remains to be seen if it makes practical sense to use the filter this way. We will post once we know more.

Thank you.
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Re: Premiere 25 ACEScct support?

Post by Trixter »

Has there been any update in this area? I'm about to start a Rec.2020 project with mixed media and was hoping to do it in the Premiere 25 beta to take advantage of the unified colorspace handling.
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Re: Premiere 25 ACEScct support?

Post by NVTeam »

There are several points here:

1. The current version of Neat Video (5.6.7) will work within an ACES-like workflow in Premiere Pro 25 beta. The frames displayed in Neat Video may be a bit lighter than usual, but that does not cause any significant issues in profiling or processing.

2. The results of noise reduction may be a bit different when using Rec.709 vs ACEScct. You may want to test it both ways to check if you see any actual difference in final results with your footage. The same applies to some of Premiere's own effects: "A subset of all effects in Premiere Pro can sometimes produce a different result in one working color space versus another or be harder or easier to adjust based on your working color space. For some of these, the difference may be visible; for others, the difference may be so subtle as to be indistinguishable." ... ments.html

3. You can also create a Sequence 1 based on Rec.709, apply Neat Video to a clip in that sequence (so Neat Video works on a regular Rec.709 data) and then nest that Sequence 1 into a larger Sequence 2 based on ACEScct. Then it all works correctly and allows to combine the new ACEScct workflow with the regular way of applying Neat Video on Rec.709 data. At least in the latest beta of Premiere.

4. This new ACES functionality is still in beta in Premiere, so it may be a good idea to wait before it all settles a bit.
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Re: Premiere 25 ACEScct support?

Post by Trixter »

Thank you for the detailed and prompt reply. I appreciate the advice and will test accordingly.
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