NeatVideo Shots will NOT render. Why ??

resolve technical issues related to use of Neat Video
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George D.
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:44 pm

NeatVideo Shots will NOT render. Why ??

Post by George D. »

I am new to this forum, and this is my first post, so bear with me.

I just want to say that I "do" like the NeatVideo Plug-In to my Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 program, but I "am" having problems.

I was putting together a series of shots from our Red-One camera, 4K HD R3D files, and used the NeatVideo sharpening tool to sharpen up a couple of the shots in the sequence. When I was finished, it all rendered just fine.

Later, I decided to sharpen up those same shots even more, so went back into NeatVideo and did so. But, this time the entire sequence would NOT render. No matter how I did it, whether I tried rendering the whole sequence, or just the effects shots, it would stall about half way through. The only thing I could do then was dump the whole program which lost all the new data. That really sucks!!

I tried over and over again, many times, but it would NOT render through. I posted this dilemma on the RedUser Forum, and a couple of the guys said it happened to them too, and it was a problem with NeatVideo. Therefore, I am posting this question to hopefully resolve this issue.

Any and all help is appreciated.


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Post by NVTeam »

Considering the size of the frames in 4K clips, perhaps it is just a case of lack of free memory?

First thing I would try is the following: start Premiere, go to its Preferences > Memory and switch it to Optimize rendering for: Memory. This should make Premiere more economic regarding memory use and that may help the render to complete.

If you still experience the same profile, please submit a regular bug report, to let us know more details about the system, about the project, etc. We may also need a test case - a test project allowing to reproduce the problem on our computers. Once reproduced, the root of the problem can be identified much faster and then we can find a solution.

Thank you,
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