Neat Video v3.2 for After Effects, Premiere

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Neat Video v3.2 for After Effects, Premiere

Post by NVTeam »

Update: Neat Video v3.2 for After Effects, Premiere

The updated Neat Video plug-ins include:
  • - added support for Adobe After Effects CS6 (in Windows and Mac OSX)
    - added support for Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 (in Windows and Mac OSX)

    - optimized rendering in After Effects and Premiere: overall project render time becomes about 10-15% shorter
    - additional optimizations of filters for multi-core CPUs and GPUs

    - updated to CUDA 4.2 (NVidia GTX 680 and newer GPUs are supported; improved performance of GPU-based render)

    - color themes: normal and reduced brightness options (see in Neat Video Preferences)

    - several compatibility issues and bugs have been fixed
Please see the Neat Video website for more details.

If you did not use Neat Video before please try Demo editions of Neat Video plug-ins for Final Cut, Motion, After Effects (Win and Mac), Premiere Pro (Win and Mac), Premiere Elements (Win and Mac), Fusion (Win), Nuke (Win, Mac, Linux), Scratch (Win and Mac), DustBuster (Win and Mac), VirtualDub, Sony Vegas, Pinnacle Studio.

Best regards,