Weird NV behavior in After Effects

questions about practical use of Neat Video, examples of use
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Weird NV behavior in After Effects

Post by hungaristani »

this is really weird and I'm clueless...
I'm working on a 90 min project that has ~800 clips. The 3D timeline editing of the 11 cameras is done in Edius and the separate L and R files then get transferred to AE for the final processing. Neat Video filtering is one the most important steps in the effects chain. When I modified something in the Edius project, I re-exported the new L/R files, replaced the footage in AE and continued to work with the latest version of the source files. Everything went smoothly until now, when I noticed that the same Neat Video settings which have been untouched for hundreds of clips for many days, started to produce a much more aggressive effect as before (the typical plastic-like textures with over-sharpened edges that you must be familiar with if you experimented with NV settings).

The quality of the source footage is definitely the same as before (I checked in Edius and made sure that both previous and recent L/R exports look identical to the original raw material I see in the multitrack project).

It looks as if there was something that has a global effect on Neat Video's behavior and would make it much more sensitive to the adjustments. I would absolutely hate to redo the settings for over 800 clips, so I'd appreciate any ideas on what could potentially cause this.

Thanks of any input.
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Post by NVTeam »

Please open Neat Video and save the current noise profile you use to the disk.

Then build a fresh new profile using the current clip you work with and also save that new profile to the disk.

Please then e-mail both profiles to support [at] We will check the profiles. If they will show significant difference in noise levels then it will mean that the noise in your current clips is different than the noise in those older clips you used to build the original profile. Which means you need to build a new profile for the new clip, because they have different noise.

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Post by hungaristani »

Well, this is annoying... now I've found it and will share it even if it's somewhat embarrassing, maybe I can help to save some brain cells for others:

I'm not the only one working on the project and the Resolution/Down Sample Factor setting at the bottom of the viewer panel got changed to Auto (Half) from Full. This change of the preview quality was not apparent when watching the unprocessed footage, but it had a dramatic effect on the appearance of the NV settings, especially the sharpness parameters. So, it's always better to keep the preview quality at full resolution when working with NV.
Last edited by hungaristani on Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2750
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:12 pm

Post by NVTeam »

Yes, it is necessary to have the resolution on Full when you build the noise profile. It will be full when you do the final render automatically, but for preview and profiling time you may need to set it to Full manually (if you normally use Half).

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