Why doesn't temporal filter remove scratches/dirt on film?

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Why doesn't temporal filter remove scratches/dirt on film?

Post by MrPete »

I'm converting (very) old 8mm film to digital. One common attribute of the film is that each frame tends to have small scratches or bits of deeply embedded dirt, that are unique to that frame.

I would have thought that temporal filtering could remove such artifacts, but it does not happen.

These artifacts are most obvious when they are high-contrast against otherwise smooth backgrounds.

Can you imagine why these would never be removed? Anything we could do about it?

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Post by NVTeam »

They are not removed because they are not really the random noise (like film grain or random digital noise) the filter is designed to reduce. They require special treatment, which is not available in the current version of Neat Video. Perhaps we will add something for that in the future versions.

For now I recommend to look for a dedicated Dust and Scratches filter that is often available in many editing applications.

Thank you,
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