Quick question concerning workflow

questions about practical use of Neat Video, examples of use
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Quick question concerning workflow

Post by jcoons32 »

Hey, I hope everyone is doing well. I just had a quick question about WHEN to use Neat Video in the editing process. Right now, I take the footage off my Canon 7D, import into Premiere CC 2015, apply neat video to the clips, do primary corrections, apply a VisionColor lut, secondary corrections and then export. The VisionColor luts are awesome, but they seem to reintroduce noise that was already removed in the early stages of editing. There also appears to be banding as well. So I guess what I"m wondering is, should I apply Neat Video again once everything is color corrected, or would that be overkill? I'm just a bit confused because I've read so many different opinions online about when to actually reduce the digital noise, so I was hoping I could get some more definitive answers on here. Thanks in advance for your help, I really appreciate it. Cheers.
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Post by NVTeam »

From the point of view of noise reduction, it is better to apply it early in the workflow, to avoid aggravation of noise by other post-processing steps.

On the other hand, if you see that the noise is still a problem after using other effects, then I would try to apply Neat Video after those instead (but still only one time, not two times). Perhaps that would offer better results in your particular workflow.

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