Neat video OFX 4.5.5 and Resolve 14b7

questions about practical use of Neat Video, examples of use
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Neat video OFX 4.5.5 and Resolve 14b7

Post by Carlomacchiavello »

I use NV from some years in AfterEffects, and today i bought the OFx be cause i want to move most of my workflow under Resolve form many reasons.

I work on log stuff of BMD 4k Prores, i apply NV like node before or after color correction node (to disable easely if i need to change some color setup), but... i'm not sure if my workflow is the best.

It's better to remove noise before color correction, or is better after color correction (i talk about noise profile building). To me seems work better before, which noise is not amplified from CC.
I not use any Lut in CC only classic tool of Resolve.

Sometimes seems the plugin not working, i need to save, close and open resolve again to see plugin active.
I use 10 cpu and 2 GPU (780+980ti), for NV only 980ti, 780 not had enough vram to use for interface and resolve and NV.
any suggest to optimize my workflow.
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Post by NVTeam »

It is usually better to apply Neat Video before other post-processing, especially if that post-processing changes the properties of the noise.

Please note that if you work with 4k in Resolve and use plug-ins, then it is necessary to have 8GB or video memory or more.
Some additional recommendations about that are available in this page.

Thank you,
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