Best Video Editor for NV

questions about practical use of Neat Video, examples of use
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Best Video Editor for NV

Post by Star12 »

Hi, I edit on Vegas. What editing system is most compatible (best) to use with NV. It seems that Vegas is unable to use all of NV features. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you.
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Post by NVTeam »

Considering the capabilities that have to be supported by plug-in hosts to enable all filtration features of NV plug-in, I would arrange the currently supported hosts in three groups:
1) good set of required capabilities: Premiere (Pro and Elements), After Effects, Pinnacle Studio
2) some of the required capabilities are not present, but there is a limited workaround provided by the host: VirtualDub
3) some of the required capabilities are not present, the host does not provide any workaround: Sony Vegas (and Liquid+VDub2RTFX used to run NV plug-in for VirtualDub)

Hope this helps,
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Joined: Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:35 pm

Post by Star12 »

I have AfterEffects. Maybe it would have made more sense to buy NV for AE instead of Vegas. Is there sidegrade pricing or can the Vegas version of NV work with AE?

Thank you.
Posts: 2750
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:12 pm

Post by NVTeam »

Please make sure you actually encounter those limitations with Vegas and NV for Vegas, otherwise there is no point in shifting to another host.

NV for Vegas will not work in AE, otherwise we would not have to develop separate versions of NV.

Regarding any changes of the license type, please contact sales by e-mail. Before you make a decision about any change, try the Demo plug-in for the prospective host to make sure it works as you expect.

Thank you,
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Location: Oslo, Norway

Post by Joran »

proDAD has developed a video stabilizer plug-in for several video hosts. Because of some problems with the Vegas plug-in architecture, proDAD had to create a script as part of the plug-in. I do not know if these problems are the same as you are facing when making the NeatVideo plug-in for Sony Vegas. But you could take a look at the script by downloading the trial version of Mercalli from

Alternatively I can mail you the script.

Jøran Toresen
Posts: 2750
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:12 pm

Post by NVTeam »

Thank you for the link. Using such a solution woud involve a very big temporary file (or several such files) and at least two rendering passes over the whole project (more if you apply several such filters to the same clip). Well, this solution looks like a workaround and frankly I don't really like it, because it promises to be quite unreliable, given the number of ways a filter can be used in Vegas (in the whole project, a track, an event, a media file, as well as their combinations and overlaps). Anyway, we will consider this ad-hoc workaround.

Thank you for the suggestion.

Kind regards,
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