Neat Video standalone request...

suggest a way to improve Neat Video
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Neat Video standalone request...

Post by henyort »

Hi again neat video team...
just wanted to know if you guys will be putting out a neat video standalone
version any time soon. I truly believe that would be a very successful move.
You already have neat image as a plugin and a would be so
convenient for users to have a standalone option without venturing into
another hard-to-learn application.
And what would be even further incredible is to provide external monitor
previewing (firewire) within this standalone....(still good to dream)LOL.
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Post by NVTeam »

Thank you for the suggestion.

However it may be not really efficient to build a whole new application (which is not that easy in this particular case, believe me). Besides, there is a simple solution already: VirtualDub + Neat Video plug-in for VirtualDub. VirtualDub is not as complicated as other editors, it is easy to learn (setting up NV filtration takes 5-10 min for a beginner), it provides all the input/output support necessary to read various video formats and write them back as video files, while Neat Video provides the filtration functionality inside VirtualDub. This combination can be considered a standalone filter.

It would be mostly a dublication of efforts if we started to reproduce those basic input/output fuctionality just to build a standalone version of Neat Video. You would still have to learn how to use such a new application. In such circumstances, it is more efficient to use one of the existing plug-in hosts (the easiest is VirtualDub) and devote the development resources to improvement of the filter itself rather than dublication of existing functionality. You could also benefit from mastering a universal plug-in host like VirtualDub because you could also do other video processing things in it, separately or together with NV filtration.

I hope this explains our current position.

Thank you once again,

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Joined: Fri Aug 08, 2008 7:41 pm

Post by Meld »

VirtualDub rocks. It is rumored Steve Jobs moved to Intel CPUs just so he can run Windows and VirtuualDub on his iMac.

Just a rumor mind you. And started by me!

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