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Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:59 pm
by vvulture
Right i see...

So, what are your plans exactly ? You must have some idea by now surely.

I am happy to wait IF a solution is in the pipeline, however i am getting the impression from you that there is no interest from your end.

One question which i must ask tho, why did you guys not go down the OpenCL route instead of CUDA ? OpenCL is supported by both nVidia and AMD/ATi ? You could've killed two birds with one stone and made many more people happy...


Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:01 pm
by NVTeam
There were technical reasons for that. Some of them are still present now.

Regarding plans, as I said, we are evaluating all available options. Once we find something that works well and meets all our requirements then we will use it. This depends not only on us but also on needed improvements in video drivers by video card manufacturers and computer makers.


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:41 am
by vvulture
Thanks for the reply Vlad but....

I still feel like you are avoiding answering my question which you must admit is a very simple one.
All i want to know is if you have plans on including AMD gpus for processing in NeatVideo. Thats all...

There are 2 options available, nVidia and AMD. Sorry man, but it's not rocket science.

I am sorry ( in advance ) if i offend you in any way, but really i think that the GPU implementation should be a " plugin " available at an extra cost if a user chooses to use it. Personally, i think that it is unfair that everyone is expected to pay the same amount yet be at a disadvantage because of their choice of GPU, and would be very naive for anyone to say that nVidia GPU's are more popular when this is certainly not the case.


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:29 am
by NVTeam
You want me to promise you something before I know for sure that all technical problems with that something can be resolved. It would be irresponsible to give out promises like that. So, I say count for the worst case scenario, hope for the best one.


Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:52 pm
by Pinto007
I hope that OpenCL version wil be available soon.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:42 am
by Fifonik
As ATI/AMD video card user I'd like to see a new version with OpenCL support as well.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:58 am
by NVTeam
You may want to take part in the ongoing testing.

Thank you,

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:50 am
by Fifonik
Many thanks.
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