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Here's my feedback!

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:58 pm
by Josh
I'm using Neatimage now for almost a year and it's the best product when it comes to

a) noise removal
b) sharpening

A lot of products are able to remove noise, but they allways leave some blur behind. Neatimage is the only product that doesn't blur your images after you remove noise, no, it even makes them sharper!! That is the true wonder of the product! Imagine to have the best noise removal program and sharpener in one product...Neatimage!

No, I don't work for Neatimage. I'm an advanced Photoshop user, moderate a Photoshop board with almost 1,000 members and I've discussed and tried many comparable products like Neatimage. Neatimage beats them all. Not only I say that, also tests have proven this!
I've promoted this poduct a few times and people always say one thing...way cool, unbelievable!

Neat Image team...keep up the good work guys...and don't forget that plugin eh?! :lol: