Feedback on Equalizer Changes

suggest a way to improve Neat Image
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Feedback on Equalizer Changes

Post by WalterK »

I think NI is a wonderful program, and the upgrade to the Pro Plus version with the plugin is very useful.

I have been using the equalizer to restrict noise reduction to the shadow areas, which works very nicely in saving more detail in the lighter areas.

What I miss is the ability to see realtime comparisons to the image or a selection with each change I make to the equalizer sliders. Right now, I have to change the sliders, move to the Noise Filter Settings page, make a selection, view it and compare to the original image, then go back to the Device Noise Profile page. Then, repeat if necessary.

If there is any way to include a routine for doing this in an upgrade, it would be welcomed.
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Post by NITeam »

Thank you for the suggestion.

However, I am afraid this kind of profile adjustment is a bit incompatible with the current workflow when you have two independent steps - profiling and filtering. This workflow is implemented in the design of the user interface through the separate pages for profiles and filter settings. It wouldn't be a good idea to break the workflow (and therefore make mastering the workflow even more difficult for new users) and just put all things together, like placing the equalizer and filter settings on the same page.

On the other hand, you can easily do the same - filter only shadows - and even have real-time feedback using another approach:
1) Don't bother with the equalizer - let it be as it is, i.e., let it accurately reflect the results of the noise analysis;
2) Aplly the filter to the whole image using the plug-in version;
3) In the image editor, place the filtration result in a new layer on top of the original image;
4) In the top layer, select and cut out areas that should be kept unfiltered - based on brightness threshold (only one control instead of many sliders of the equalizer);
5) That's all - the shadows areas of the top layer remain filtered, and bright areas are taken from the original;

Hope this helps.

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