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NeatImage Demo 2.6 take HOURS to filter one file

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 4:53 pm
by blair
I have WIndows 2000. We just upgraded with a new 80 gig hard drive so I downlaoded the new demo. My old version of NI2.2 (demo) worked fine. But now, it seems to be freezing when I hit "apply". I let a 2200 by 1400 pixel image process overnight and it was at 99 percent done this a.m. Any ideas?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 5:04 pm
by Guest
also, when I wnet back and tried to run the 2.2 demo version off the old hard drive it did the same excruciatingly slow processing (and it had worked fine before). By slow, I mean HOURS, not minutes for a JPEG file taken on superfine mode with a Canon G3.

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 5:20 pm
by NITeam
Obviously something went wrong. It shouldn't take so long.

Are there any other applications running in the background that may utilize the processor resources?

- Try to increase the filter priority in Options|Filtration|Filter process priority.

- Check the location of Neat Image's temporary folder/dir in Folders tab in Options. The folder specified there should exist.

Hope this helps. Please let me know any other details that may help - for example, if you changed any Windows settings before you have noticed this slowdown.

Thank you.

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 10:13 pm
by fefifo
You were obviouly caught in a Temporal Anomaly or a discontinuity in the Space-Time Continuum, depending on which Star Trek episode you last watched. :D

Demo Version Freezes (or atleast appears to be frozen)

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 2:43 am
by bncooper
I downloaded the Demo (Freeware for Home Use) version of Neat Image and installed it on an XP system. I used it as an independent software for a while. It worked fine until I installed Photoshop 7 (for a different purpose altogether).

As soon as I did that, Neat Image worked OK as far as opening the Input Image, Device Noise Profile and Noise Filter Settings were concerned. But when I tried to Apply the settings under the Output Image tab, it took about an hour to get to about 30% and then just sat there.

I tried it a few times, then gave up. I have now uninstalled both Neat Image and Photoshop. I have cleaned up my Windows Registry and also done a System Restore (which is a marvelous feature of XP) to before I installed Neat Image.

Although Neat Image is a digital photographer's dream come true and has completely swept me off my feet, I hesitate to pay good money for the Pro version, as I don't want my money to go to waste.

I will try following the guidelines suggested by Vlad earlier-on under this subject, and report back in a day or two.

I have never been a great fan of Adobe products (except for Acrobat Reader which is almost mandatory now-a-days). Photoshop caused me enough grief even when I used Win98.

Let's hope the problem gets solved.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 8:00 am
by MrMagoo
What kind of mother board are you using and what processor speed?
Photoshop did have a known problem running on a ASUS P3B-F board.
It would hang up after a few operations. There was an easy fix, just had to relocate one of its subdirectories.

Regarding your system requiring all night to process one file, definitly a problem with your system.

On my 2.4gHz P4 533 FSB 1 Gig of ram a 2048x1536 (3 meg) image take one minute and 10 seconds to process.

My son had a sudden great slowdown on his system (Win ME) it would take 20 minutes just to complete the bootup. Turned out he had some kind of virus or trojan that would write a six byte hidden system file into his restore folder every 5 seconds. There were over 46000 files in the one folder. Ended up reformating the c:drive.



Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 11:58 am
by Gabor Levai
Hi Vlad!

I was a problem earlier with slow processing (it was aboute 40% slower that it could be). Last week I found the cause. I use Norman Virus Control on my machnie. If the on access scanner is switched on, it degrades the performance of NI about 40%. If I switch it off, it produces normal processing time (less than 3 min. on my P4 2.8 with a 5MPix image).

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 12:04 pm
by NITeam
Thank you, Gabor. I think this should be useful for people who use Virus Control.
