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Device noise profile: Lighting condition? Camera difference

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:12 pm
by AlexZ
Hi Vlad and rest of the community:

(1) Does the device profile depend on the lighting conditions? Should I build separate profiles under Tungten, Sun light, Sun shade, Cloudy ... even for the same ISO, sharpness, and JPEG fine/standard setting?

(2) Is there a big difference between individual cameras OF THE SAME BRAND? That is, can I use someone else's profile even though I have the same camera brand and model? Theoretically, the noice characteristics of any two different CCDs can be different, right?


Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 1:33 am
by NITeam

(1) Yes, the device noise profile depends on the lighting conditions. This dependence is of secondary importance as compared with ISO rate.

(2) There is always a difference between cameras even of the same model. How big is it depends of course on brand and model. Usually this difference is of secondary importance.

If you want to be practical, I advise you to pragmatically select only primary importance factors when building noise profiles.
