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No green mask in Noise Filter settings Component Viewer

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:39 pm
by rzurga

I have noted that the green mask in the component viewer that greatly helped me quickly tune the params is gone. I have seen a comment on a similar question that this is due to some performance issues. As this is used only on a small area while playing with the parameters I think this shouldn't be a huge performance issue in general. The mask was very useful to quickly realize which areas generate the "scratches" and what to do about it.

Thanks, Robert

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 4:38 am
by NITeam

The latest version of Neat Image uses new noise reduction engine which does not directly use the same masks as were shown in Component Viewer in previous versions. On one hand, currently used masks are not the same useful (if we were showing them in Component Viewer) as the older ones; on the other hand, trying to showing masks in old style requires a lot of extra programming, which in the end will make noise reduction engine slower as a whole. That's why we do not show masks in the current version. Probably that will will be changed in one of the next versions if we find a way around the above issues.
