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Support for Adobe DNG files + better Photoship scripting

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 7:12 am
by Roderick Laird
Just bought V4.4 pro. WONDERFUL. Only thing I could imagine would make it better would be the ability for it to read DNG files! Slightly better flexibility in Photoshop script integration wouldbe nice e.g. Allow the script to recognise the "autoselect profile" option so you could batch from Photoshop. True multiprocessor use for noise reduction even of a single image would be nice for us multi-processor users...

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:11 am
by NITeam
Thank you for the suggestions!

I believe the plug-in can work with DNG files once they are open in Photoshop. Also, the plug-in does support scripting including "Auto Match Profile" option (you just have to tell the plug-in what option to use, during recording the action; please see the user guide for more details).

And yes, I agree, full multi-processor support could be useful.

Thank you for the suggestions.

Best regards,