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Noize/grain reduction for cine use...

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:37 pm
by fredd
Hello Vlad...
Ive tried the mac demo and I'm very VERY impressed. I work with motion picture effects and processing in 2048x1556 rez. in software like Apple shake.
Ive seen most there is to offer in grain reduction.. some of the software costing thousands of dollars...
And NOTHING even comes close to what you do!

So my wish would be... a standalone application (commandline or whatever - scriptable) for OSX or/and Linux. A shake plug would probably be to difficult to accomplish - and not very necessary.

Vlad, check your competition... Like Furnance (The Foundry) Algolith etc.. and you will smile at your superiority!

All the best,

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:48 pm
by NITeam

Thank you very much for your feedback and suggestion. Yes, the prices are very high for certain products for those motion picture platforms. They are not always easily available for developers, probably that explains the prices. Anyway, we will consider this possibility. Probably we will be able to contribute in some way.

Thank you,