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32bit per channel?

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 9:28 pm
by andewid
Will Neat Image support 32 bits per channel with Adobe Photoshop CS2?

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 9:47 pm
by NITeam
Maybe it will because it is not that difficult to support (Neat Image anyway works with at least 32 bits per channel right now). On the other hand, do you think there is any real use of such 32-bit per channel images at the moment? Any professional workflow in digital photography that use them? Most facts tell me that even 16-bit mode is not utilized to its full capacity, partially due to hardware limitations and in part due to the way software (for example, most versions of Photoshop) works.

Anyway, we are always open and if there is an appreciable need for 32-bit mode than we will support it.


Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 10:39 pm
by andewid
Actually I do not know if there would be any real benefits. But as processing a 8 bit image with Neat Image in 16 bit mode do have benefit, I thought that 32bit might give a slight advantage as well.

Also, 32bit mode shouldn't use any more processing power anyway, should it?

But as you said, even 16 bit mode isn't always needed. But if you do large edits, trying to recover tonality in deep shadows or things like that, then 16bit mode helps a lot, and perhaps also 32bit mode?

Perhaps also it is possible with 32bit mode (I think photoshop uses 32bit floating point) to overcome the 15bit limitation (16 bit signed integer)?

Another reason to use 32bit mode in NI is that the HDR tool produces a 32bit image. But I suppose it is smarter to use NI on the separate images before? There is a limitation with the HDR tool which only support 8bit source images.