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NI in PS batch mode - resolved

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 9:07 pm
by GordonSBuck
I've made actions for Photoshop which incorporate the NeatImage plugin. NeatImage is always the first processing step in the action. The actions work fine when used directly; that is, as a one-time action. But there are sometimes problems when the actions are used in Photoshop's batch mode.

It seems that NI crashes during the action when the action is run in batch mode. After the crash, the particular image that was being processed remains open in Photoshop. The Photoshop batch mode continues with the remaining images to be processed; however, NeatImage is skipped for those remaining images. In fact, after the batch is run, NeatImage will not load at all: batch, action or even as an individual operation. I have to exit and reload Photoshop to get NI to work again. After exiting and reloading Photoshop, NI will work fine on the particular image on which it previously crashed.

This problem occurs with more than one action. It occurs when the image is from a digital camera (Canon G3 or 20D), RAW or TIF files as well as with scanned film. Most of the time - not sure if always - the problem occurs with 16bit image files. The problem occurs when running the batch mode from Photoshop or the File Browser.

I'd hoped that the problem would go away when I updated to NeatImage 4.5 Pro+ from the previous version but the problem remains. I also recently updated my MS Windows 2000 system but that also made no difference. The problem first showed up in Photoshop CS; now I'm running CS2 -- still have the NI crash problem.

My computer is a Compaq Evo 610C laptop with 1GB RAM. The hard drive has about 5 GB free on the internal drive but when processing digital images, an external drive is usually attached. The NI crash problem seems to happen whether processing images on the internal or external hard drive.

Any recommendations?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 9:32 pm
by NITeam

Thank you for detailed description of the problem. However I still have several questions regarding the actions you use and I guess the best way to proceed is to exchange direct e-mails. Please send a sample action that you use to support (at) I will check how is Neat Image used in this action and will try to reproduce the effect. Also, please submit a bug report form to let me know more about the hardware you use.

Also, please try to find out since when this effect started to occure. You are a long term user of Neat Image and I believe it worked fine for you until certain point in time. Please try to remembed when it happened for the first time and whether it can be associated with any change in your system's hardware or software.

Please also let me know how much Windows RAM is given to Photoshop (see Photoshop preferences).

Thank you,

NI crashes in PS batch mode

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 3:34 pm
by GordonSBuck
I submitted the bug report.

In Photoshop preferences, it notes that the available RAM is 908 MB with 65% (590MB) being used for PS.

Although I've used NI for some time, I've only recently begun to use actions. My impression is that this problem began one or two revisions ago but that may not be correct.

This is a strange problem because, except for the image with which the error occurred, the action continues without NI. On completing the batch, the images processed prior to the error have NI, all other images do not have NI but are otherwise processed by the batch/action.

I'll send you one of my actions. The other processing steps include various PK Sharpener effects. Since PK Sharpener creates additional, large layers, my actions always flatten the layers and then purge all previous steps to help reduce working file size and also to speed up the process. However, NI is always done before sharpening.

It has never been clear to me as to the best way to set up NI in an action. Sometimes I use the following procedure to adjust the NI settings:
1. open any image
2. drastically reduce image size
3. double click on the NI step in the action
4. (NI is opened by step 3)
5. select NI device profile and filter preset
6. apply NI (this completes the action recording mode)
7. close and discard the dummy image

For device profile, I usually use one of the profiles from this site. I usually use "remove half the noise" as the filter preset.

Then I run the batch using the adjusted action. Usually I don't save the edited version of the action.

Re: NI crashes in PS batch mode

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 4:06 pm
by NITeam
I submitted the bug report.
Thank you.
It has never been clear to me as to the best way to set up NI in an action. Sometimes I use the following procedure to adjust the NI settings:
1. open any image
2. drastically reduce image size
3. double click on the NI step in the action
4. (NI is opened by step 3)
5. select NI device profile and filter preset
6. apply NI (this completes the action recording mode)
7. close and discard the dummy image
Probably the trouble starts here.

When you run the whole action manually, does NI also opens its window? If it does then it will also open it in the batch mode which is of course not the way you want it to work and not the way NI should be used in actions.

Did you set the NI action parameters when recording an action as explained in the user guide?

Thank you,

NI crashes in PS batch mode

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 7:51 pm
by GordonSBuck
When I run the action manually, the NI window does not open.

But the problem does seem to be due to a mismatch between the NI action parameters as set during the recording of the action and if the action is edited. Honestly, I had not paid any attention at all to the action parameter setting - shame on me!

By forcing a mismatch between the NI action parameter settings and the edited PS action, I was able to trigger the error after a few cycles of the PS action. But now I can't trigger the same error so somehow there is a sequence involved. It seems that the error came when the PS action was recorded with NI action parameter of "Use Specified Profile" but then the PS action was later edited by opening NI and selecting "Open Best Matching Profile" without changing the NI action parameter setting. But now I can't get the error that way.

I noticed that the NI action parameter setting "Auto Match Profile" doesn't stick; that is, without regard to running a PS action, I can open the NI plug-in from PS, set "Auto Match Profile" and run NI; then if I open the NI plug-in again, the Action parameter setting has changed back to "Use Specified Profile". Seems like the "Auto Match Profile" setting should stick.

Same behavior with "Auto Build Profile".

Re: NI crashes in PS batch mode

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 9:04 pm
by NITeam
GordonSBuck wrote:I noticed that the NI action parameter setting "Auto Match Profile" doesn't stick; that is, without regard to running a PS action, I can open the NI plug-in from PS, set "Auto Match Profile" and run NI; then if I open the NI plug-in again, the Action parameter setting has changed back to "Use Specified Profile". Seems like the "Auto Match Profile" setting should stick.

Same behavior with "Auto Build Profile".
Actually this is by design, because the Action menu is only used to record actions. If you want to make Neat Image always do, for example, Auto Match, then you can select the appropriate item in Tools | Option... | Job Defaults | Default Device Noise Profile.

Hope this helps.

Re: NI crashes in PS batch mode

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 5:54 pm
by GordonSBuck
Well, the problem is fixed! The solution is to set the proper NI Action parameters when NI is opened with a Photoshop action. Makes sense and am embarrassed that I missed making this setting.

Many thanks.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 6:10 pm
by NITeam
Very well. Then I will amend the header of this topic to let everyone see that the issue is resolved.

Thank you,