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ISO 800 w/ DSLR w/ Sony 6MP Sensor

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 5:53 am
by Greg Lovern
I'm new to noise reduction and Neat Image. I don't have time right now to educate myself deeply about techniques, but I'm amazed and thrilled with the results using Neat Images' default settings on ISO 3200 & ISO 1600 shots.

On ISO 3200 and 1600, losing a little detail is a small price to pay for getting rid of the noise. But on ISO 800, the noise is much more subtle, and the default settings lose a lot of detail.

Any suggestions on basic settings to try with ISO 800?

I'm shooting RAW with a Pentax *ist D (Sony's 6MP APS-C sensor), and converting to 16-bit TIFF in Bibble. I'm using the Pro version of Neat Image to keep all workflow in 16-bit TIFF. Picture Window Pro for all other post-processing.



Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 9:04 am
by NITeam

The most important thing with Neat Image is to use accurate noise profiles which means that if you build a new profile for a specific input image then try to make this profile as accurate as possible. Usually all it takes is to check whether Auto Profile has selected an area with no real details. If there are any details in the selection then you have to manually select another area and repeat noise analysis (click Auto Profile again). In most cases, this is enough to ensure that the resulting profile will be accurate. Using an accurate profile the filter will not remove real details and at the same time will reduce real noise.

Hope this helps.