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What is the internal format of dnp files?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:59 pm
by hvj
I am scripting Photoshop in javascript and the first step is using neatimage: building profile, finetuning and filtering.

But after filtering I have to do some decision based on the noise level of the image: if there is a lot of noise (ISO3200 shot) I do not want to refocus the image but need more sharpening, but on a clean image I want refocus with bigger radius and less traditional sharpening after that step.

This decision can be made on ISO level, but I prefer shooting in RAW, overexposing the shots with +1 or +1.5EV and in ACR open the shot with -1.5EV to get the real lights. This way an ISO1600-3200 shot will have much less noise (looks like an ISO400-800) so after neatimage the result will be clean!

So I need a way to read out the Nosie Levels from the generated file and use that for deciding what to do in sharpening.

Please give me an offset where can I find the overall noise level.

Thank you very much!
