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Question with regard to skin tone after de-noise

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 9:29 am
by Billy
I have just purchased a Pro version of Neat Image and found it very effective in removing noise from pictures taken by my Pentax Option S4i and Panasonic FZ5 especially for those pictures with flowers and other non-human objects.

However, I found that I have to reduce the high and medium frequency components reduction amount significantly (say for example from 100% to 30% and 60% respectively) in order to get what I think a realistic (not waxy) looking skin.

I understand from other posts that people are happy about this "wrinkle removal" side benefit. My question is that will there be a chance of implementing something like skin tone detection so that different amount of noise removal could be applied to regions with and without skin tone?

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:53 am
by NITeam
Let me take this idea as a suggestion for our wish list for further development. I will add it to the list and we will consider this option in the team.

Thank you,

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:49 pm
by skylen
You could do this using layers and a mask in photoshop, cutting out the skin toned areas from the NeatImaged part.