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Implementing Neat Image as a RawShooterPremium Plugin

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:25 pm
by beruberu

For a few weeks now we have a very very good raw conrverter "RawShooterPremium". You can download the version RawShooterEssential at (free and not limited in time)

This is the best , IMO, raw converter on the market. It has a little noise supression tool, but I wolud like to use NeatImage insted as a plugin.

I saw NeatImage is working with a another raw converter... Would it be possible to do it for This great RSP as a plugin???

Would it be possible for you to approach people from Pixmantec??

It would be really a great add to both of your soft...

Thanks a lot for your answer...

Have a nice day

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 12:27 am
by NITeam

Thank you for the suggestion. Yes, I think any RAW converter could easily use the standard Neat Image package to conduct noise reduction within its own workflow. One of the converters has already implemented a direct support for NI based on NI command line interface. This is not difficult for RAW converter to support. Another option would be for a RAW converter to support the standard PS-compatible plug-in interface. In this way, not only Neat Image but any PS-compatible filter plug-in would become available within the converter. We have to check whether RSP supports such interfaces and if doesn't then whether its developers would be willing to support them. I don't promise any specific date right now but we will look into these aspects of RSP to see what could be done. A similar thing is requested in another thread about Bibble, so the issue is a kind of generic. A generic solution would be the most efficient then.

Thank you for your suggestion,

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 5:59 am
by beruberu

Yes I saw it.... But RSP seems to be the best one... I think a big part of the Bible team, made a new soft and it is RSP.... If you read a few review you will see that RSP seems to be the best way to treat your raw images... I bought it and it is really the best I ever tried....

Thanks again..... I will wait....

Have a nice day

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 6:13 pm
by taob
beruberu wrote:I think a big part of the Bible team, made a new soft and it is RSP....
I'm not sure what you mean by the "Bible" team (was Jesus involved? :lol:) but I think you meant the C1 software developers... they were the ones (or maybe it was just one guy) who split off to form Pixmantec and produced RawShooter Essentials and Premium.