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Profile Viewer Noise Levels

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:53 pm
by sternhagen
To Neat image Team:
Is there any practical way to utilize the numerical noise level values determined in Auto Profile and displayed in the 'Profile Viewer' as Overall, Channel Components and Frequency Components? Can the values for these items be used in setting the sliders in the Filter Settings and how? I somehow think the intent was to give guidelines to determine the Filter Setting but I don't see anything in the manual showing how to utilize the Profile Viewer values to achieve a higher level of accuracy on the final product. I feel I am overlooking something here.
I am using Version 4.2 Pro for the Mac. Neat Image continues to amaze me with it's ability to clean up noise on my scanned eighty year old negatives and prints.

Re: Profile Viewer Noise Levels

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:21 pm
by NITeam
sternhagen wrote:Is there any practical way to utilize the numerical noise level values determined in Auto Profile and displayed in the 'Profile Viewer' as Overall, Channel Components and Frequency Components?
The main purpose of checking those values in the Profile Viewer is comparison of noise strength in different device modes. The higher is a noise level the stronger corresponding noise component in specific mode.
sternhagen wrote:Can the values for these items be used in setting the sliders in the Filter Settings and how?
No, and they shoud not be used for that. The noise levels in the Noise Filter Settings are relative to the absolute values of noise levels specified in the Profile Viewer. If you have a 9.54 value in the profile viewer (for example, in the Y channel), you can let the filter work using this value if you don't adjust the corresponding noise level in Filter Settings (Y in this case). Or you can adjust that level by increasing (for example, +10%) or decreasing (for example, -10%) the Y noise level in Filter Settings. So, the noise levels in Filter Settings are related to the noise levels in the Profile Viewer, but how you adjust these levels is determined by your visual evaluation of the filter preview (if there are remaining noise elements in the preview then you typically increase a noise level), not by figures from Profile Viewer.

Hope this helps.