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Neat Image 5.7 Home batch processing - resolved

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:38 am
by raven-au
Neat Image 5.7 Home only allows 2 images in the batch queue at a time.

When adding files to be proccesed the "New" button is grayed once the
limit of 2 files is reached.

When adding a batch and selecting a directory (my case had only
4 files) the first 2 files are added and then the message informing me
that I can process no more than 50 files in the Home edition comes
up and only two files are added to the batch queue.

Why is the batching limit set to only 2 files?
Is this the way it's meant to be?


Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:15 pm
by NITeam
I guess you haven't entered the registraton data into the software yet. Please check whether the About window (menu Help | About) shows your name. Once you register the software, it will process up to 50 images in batch.


Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:46 pm
by raven-au
NITeam wrote:I guess you haven't entered the registraton data into the software yet. Please check whether the About window (menu Help | About) shows your name. Once you register the software, it will process up to 50 images in batch.

Yes, I'm sure I entered it.
I removed it, deleted all the registry entries I could find and re-installed.

I'm batch processing to my hards content now.

Thanks for the prompt reply.