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Pro+ 5.8 sometimes refuses to apply best match profile

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 4:05 am
by C4
I'm trying to batch process a number of images with 5.8 Pro+, most work fine, but a number of them keep popping up as "on hold"..

In most of these, there's not enough uniform area to auto-profile, which is fine, but I do have a number of saved profiles that are good matches (better than 90% in both quality and match), and when one of these profiles is manually selected, the portion of the image in the selection box under the "noise filter settings" shows excellent noise reduction results, but the preview button doesn't work nor does the "apply" button under "output image" (in both cases, the top menu bar changes to "applying: 0%", and the button disappears and you get the empty progress bar, and then the screen just flickers a bit and nothing.. The status says "not calculated" but there's no additional error or diagmostic message- the application just seems to refuse to process the image..

I can force things to proceed by selecting an arbitrary area of the image and auto profiling, then applying (which now works, but generally results in a pretty horrible output), then going back to the noise profile, selecting best match again, auto fine tune, and then apply again, but why won't it just accept the best match profile the first time?? Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug in the program? Again, most images work just fine through the batch process, but the ones that end up "on hold", it's kind of 50-50 whether or not a saved profile can be applied successfully on the first go- sometimes it works, but other times you get the flickering and then nothing..

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 9:10 am
by NITeam
This is something unusual and new, I have never seen such an effect. It is important for me to be able to reproduce it on our computers to diagnose and resolve the problem. Could you please send me a sample image (the one that does produce the effect, at least in some cases) and noise profile that also allows to get the effect when loaded manually according to your description. - I will try to reproduce the effect by opening NI standalone, opening the image in NI, loading the profile and using Preview and Apply.
Once I am able to get the same effect I will find the cause of the problem and try to fix it.

Also, please submit a bug report to let me know about your computer system.

Thank you,