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ProPhoto RGB and NI Preview Window

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:08 am
by drisley
I have a question...

When I open an image with the ProPhoto colour space in Neatimage, the preview colours are way out of wack. Basically, it looks as if I selected PROOF COLOURS in Photoshop, with MONITOR RGB selected. This makes the image in the preview image look greenish and dark.

Here is what it looks like....

I don't have this problem with any other plugins, and if I change the image to say, sRGB, the preview is ok. Why doesn't the NI preview window work well with ProPhoto RGB colour space?

I'm on a true 8 bit calibrated IPS panel LCD using Windows Vista and Photoshop CS3. I re-installed Neatimage, and the problem occurs in both the Standalone and Plugin.

PS. No such preview problem using AdobeRGB or ColorMatchRGB

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:30 am
by NITeam
This is to be expected because the built-in image viewer in Neat Image shows raw data (assumed to be in RGB color space) of the image, without adaptation of that data to the monitor based on icc profile. What you see in Photoshop is an image modified by its image viewer to make it look correct from the standpoint of color reproduction. The goal of Neat Image is another: it tries to to show and analyze the original image (not yet corrected by Photoshop for viewing purposes) to make identification of the noise easier and noise analysis - accurate. In the end, when you apply NI filtration, the final image is again shown in Photoshop with correct colors. So, it is just the way the built-in NI viewer works, and this doesn't affect the image itself or its color space. NI doesn't change the color space, the output image is in exactly the same color space as the input image.
