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upgrade options?

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:38 pm
by smh
going from 32 bit to Win7 64 bit. Thus, need the 64 bit version of Neat Image plug-in.
I looked for the "special upgrade price" on the web site.. no luck.
Point me in the right direction, please.

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:08 pm
by NITeam
Please not that you only need the 64-bit version of Neat Image plug-in if you run a 64-bit version of Photoshop (like PS CS4 64-bit). Any other version of Photoshop is 32-bit so the 64-bit plug-in will not work in it.

Regarding the special upgrade price, there is an upgrade offer available in the download area of your current Neat Image Pro+ edition 32-bit /Win. Please log on to that download area and you will see the offer.

Thank you,

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:05 pm
by smh
Thank you. I am running CS4/64 bit, thus have to ferret-out all 64 bit filters.
I did follow the upgrade link but there was a problem with allowing me to choose. I will try again, post back results.