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Batch mode

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:22 am
by DavidKellyPhoto
I am currently looking for a noise solution to help me with my concert photography ( I am real close to picking Neat over Defin 2.0. Defin 2.0 has one feature I really like: when I open up multiple images I get the UI editor and I can quickly move from one image to the next. Neat seems to only do Batch mode, which does not allow me to fine tune anything.

Can you add a UI option?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:14 am
by NITeam
We will consider that for the future versions. At this point you can open individual images in Neat Image plug-in by selecting one image at a time. When you select many, Neat Image thinks you want to process them in batch and without manual user invervention in each image. Perhaps we will add a question to user to ask what exactly is desired each time the plug-in is invoked with many images.
