NeatBench 5: CPU/GPU speed test

questions about practical use of Neat Video, examples of use
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NeatBench 5: CPU/GPU speed test

Post by NVTeam »

Dear forum members,

If you already use Neat Video you can always check its speed with the built-in Optimize tool (menu Tools > Preferences > Performance > Optimize Settings). That tool runs the filter with different combinations of the available CPUs and GPUs and measures the actually observed processing speeds. Then the best combination can be selected for actual rendering.

But what if you do not yet have Neat Video installed on a particular machine and you just want to check how fast it would be on that hardware? Or you want to see how fast that hardware generally is for a heavy video render task like Neat Video. Or you want to select one of several hardware configurations, for example, in a shop where you have just found a new shiny box of the latest and greatest computer from your favorite manufacturer.

Then you can use NeatBench5 - a standalone command line tool that detects the available CPUs and GPUs and then runs the standard Neat Video benchmark on them. NeatBench5 supports both NVIDIA and AMD GPUs, so you can directly compare those cards head to head and also compare their performance with the CPU-based processing. See the current technical requirements to GPUs and drivers.

Here is how you can use NeatBench5:

1. Download and unzip NeatBench5 to Desktop: 2. Start NeatBench5 from Desktop;

3. Once NeatBench5 finishes, find its log file: a file with the name starting with NeatBenchLog in the home folder;
(you can also check the command line output, it contains the same data)

4. Check the frame rates reported and use them as a measure of the hardware speed.
If you also have similar measurement from your older or newer machine or from a computer of your friend or colleague, you can directly compare the computing power of the corresponding hardware.

We hope NeatBench5 will help you in selecting the best hardware for your video processing tasks.

Kind regards,
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Re: NeatBench 5: CPU/GPU speed test

Post by Fifonik »

Thanks for the tool.
I'm trying to create bat file that can be used as a simple wrapper that would run NeatBench a few times with different settings.
Optionally it might pack text files with results into zip-archive or upload data directly to GPU database.

So I have a few questions:
- What 'fast' option means? I see that in my case it is skipped 1-5 cores CPU only tests I have 6-cores Ryzen). Anything else?
- When I'm trying to redirect output to file ("NeatBench.exe > file.txt") I see some strange characters (Chinese?) in the very beginning of the file instead of NeatVideo version. Could you fix it please? Well, I do not have anything against the comment, but I really need information about NeatBench version.


P.S. Something like this atm:

Code: Select all


SET radiuses=0 1 2 3 4 5
SET bitdepths=8 32

FOR %%b IN (%bitdepths%) DO (
	FOR %%r IN (%radiuses%) DO CALL :exec %%r %%b

GOTO :eof

SET command=NeatBench5.exe
SET frame=1920x1080
SET type=P
SET radius=%1
SET bitdepth=%2

ECHO Processing %frame%%type%, bitdepth=%bitdepth%, radius=%radius%
%command% %frame% %radius% %type% %bitdepth% nowait > NeatBench_%frame%%type%_%bitdepth%_%radius%.txt
GOTO :eof
Posts: 2750
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Re: NeatBench 5: CPU/GPU speed test

Post by NVTeam »

> What 'fast' option means? I see that in my case it is skipped 1-5 cores CPU only tests I have 6-cores Ryzen). Anything else?

Yes, nothing else, just skipping the slower options.

> When I'm trying to redirect output to file ("NeatBench.exe > file.txt") I see some strange characters

We are aware of that issue and will fix it in the next update (possibly 5.0.1).

Thank you,
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Location: Australia, Brisbane

Re: NeatBench 5: CPU/GPU speed test

Post by Fifonik »

I see that currently version Neat Video 5.0.3 available. Neat Bench was also updated and the issue with strange characters at the beginning is fixed.
Many thanks for that.
Could you advice, what are other Neat Video changes since version 5.0.0? (probably it's a good idea to post answer in Announcements)
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Re: NeatBench 5: CPU/GPU speed test

Post by NVTeam »

There were mostly minor fixes that do not affect the functionality and performance. We do not usually post details in such bug fixing updates and instead describe those in the minor version updates (like 5.1).

Thank you.
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Location: Australia, Brisbane

Re: NeatBench 5: CPU/GPU speed test

Post by Fifonik »

Thanks for the explanation.

Feature request:
Could you add an option for disabling log creation in %USER% directory?
As I already mentioned, I'm redirecting output into files manually and do not need these logs in user directory at all.

Posts: 2750
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:12 pm

Re: NeatBench 5: CPU/GPU speed test

Post by NVTeam »

Thank you for the suggestion. I will add it to the wish list now.

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