Neat video workflow with PP

questions about practical use of Neat Video, examples of use
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Neat video workflow with PP

Post by DanMcKinney »

I do a lot of real estate video, indoor stuff with only natural light. Using a V-log setting on my Panasonic GH4 I often end up with a lot of noise in the darker rooms. Neat Video has been very helpful dealing with this.

But, running a clip with Neat Video, Warp Stabilizer (to compensate for my wobbly dolly shots!), basic 3D, and Lumetri all at the same time really slows playback down, and rendering clips in the timeline with all this loaded on takes forever. So, I've been offloading clips one by one to Media Encoder once I load them up with Neat Video and Warp Stabilizer, and then replacing the clips on the timeline with the versions, saving Lumetri for color grading after Neat & WS are baked in.

Pre-processing noise reduction and stabilizing (two big power hogs) really helps keep playback workable.

I'd love to hear about other user's workflows!
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Re: Neat video workflow with PP

Post by NVTeam »

Just in case you haven't seen those notes yet, please see the relevant notes about Lumetri and Warp Stabilizer.

Thank you,
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