What is difference between a profile and a preset?

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What is difference between a profile and a preset?

Post by KMFX »

What is the difference between a profile and preset? I can save both, but use which for what situation? I want to create a profile (or preset?) for a shot in a sequence, then apply that same profile to the rest of the shots as I get to them. I am working in Silhouette. I can save out both, but not sure what is correct workflow. Thank you.
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Re: What is difference between a profile and a preset?

Post by NVTeam »

Please visit the user guide (section 5 Filtration process details) to check the full workflow and to see the role of the noise profile (the properties of the noise itself) and filter preset (the settings of the noise filter) in the workflow.

You do need to save both noise profile and filter preset if you want to transfer the settings from this instance of the filter to another instance used in another clip.

To save the noise profile you can use the Save button in the top of the Device Noise Profile box in the right part of the window when you are in the Prepare Noise Profile tab.

To save the filter preset you can use the Save button in the top of the Filter Settings box in the right part of the window when you are in the Adjust and Preview tab.

Thank you,
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Re: What is difference between a profile and a preset?

Post by KMFX »


Ok, I think I get it. I saved both the Profile and Preset files and loaded them in to a new NV plugin node and got the expected result.

I can also save out the node from Silhouette and load it in to another Session within a Project or another Project.

1. Does it matter where I save the Profile and Preset files? I know they can go in the default directories as listed in the User Guide, but I saved them in my shot directory and that worked out fine.

2. But, if I want to share my Profile and Preset files with another user - just checking that I can send files wherever or put them in a shared location and they are still accessible just the same, as long as the other user has a license, right?

3. What does Device stand for in Device Noise Profile?

Thank you,
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Re: What is difference between a profile and a preset?

Post by NVTeam »

1. You can save those in any folder, that plays no role.

2. Yes, you can share the profiles and presets you create, with anyone. If the other person has the same major version 5 of Neat Video, then they will be able to use those.

3. Device stands for a digital camera, scanner of film, mobile phone, etc. Any device that can produce a digital video clip.

Thank you,
Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Nov 15, 2020 9:36 pm

Re: What is difference between a profile and a preset?

Post by KMFX »

Perfect, thanks!
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