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MOV file with Neat Video 5 applied

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 5:43 pm
by parvardigar
I received a 30 minute MOV file film to work on as with color correction and noise and so forth.
What I found out is the the owner had already fiddled with the film apply Neat adjustments.

Can I with this version as outline apply again Neat adjustments? The film I have needs work on flicker and noise.
Let me know.

Re: MOV file with Neat Video 5 applied

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 10:38 pm
by NVTeam
If you only have the MOV file, then you cannot undo any effects already applied to it in the previous project that generated this MOV file.

You can however add more effects to it in your own project.

If you want to under the previously applied effects, then you need to work on that original project and have the source video file used in it.