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HD support needed in Home Version

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:52 pm
by Alsone

I just wanted to say isn't it time you found another way to distinguish the pro from the home versions and enabled HD support in these?

I have a Canon HV30 Consumer Camcorder, one of an increasing number which support HD, in fact most consumer camcorders from most manufacturers are now going HD.

In fact, even my Panasonic Stills Camera records video in 720P!!!

Most consumer equipment supports HD and $99 is a lot for a home user.

Perhaps you could distinguish Pro and Home versions by offering 720P in the home version and full HD - 1080P support in the pro.


Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:14 am
by hv30user
I have to agree, another Canon HV30 home user here. I'd like to reduce noise in one 1440x1080 home baby video, but paying the price for professional edition seems to be a bit steep for that. Home version limits should really be increased to at least HDV standard 1440x1080 (although, AVCHD cameras have 1920x1080). Even cheap 100 euro toy cameras have 720P HD these days.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:25 pm
by DCP
Hey Guys, in all honesty a 'Pro' price of $99.00 is unheard of. Try looking around the web on how much 'Pro' software costs. I've spent thousands of dollars on software and trust me, $99.00 for what this software can do is nothing. So please, don't complain that you are spending too much and be happy with what it can do.

Didn't want to start a rant, but seriously, just take a look around the web...


Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:58 pm
by radar
I agree that the 'pro' version should be for advance features and not necessarily the video resolution.

Most video camera/point and shoot cameras, etc. are HD now days, so I agree that it would be nice to have that restriction removed in the home edition.

Thanks for a great program.