question about vegas pro 10 and multi-camera editing

questions about practical use of Neat Video, examples of use
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question about vegas pro 10 and multi-camera editing

Post by gotvideographer »

I've just recently purchased product and like others, its fantastic.

I'm attempting to do a multi-camera edit. So I set up the software to do it and then click on the "combined" track and I get "source frame not selected" error box pops up,

Does the add-in not allow multi-track editing?

I guess it would help if I gave full info:

Ok so combined timeline, add the effect to the event, box pops up, i click "configure" button and then get the "source frame is not selected., Please enable Neat Video effect and select a frame on the timeline".

So I go back and make SURE i am clicked on the video in middle of event and same issue.

thanks, joe
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Post by NVTeam »

As far as I know, Vegas disables (skips) effects when working in multi-camera mode, so it is not possible to adjust Neat Video settings at that time. Once you switch to the standard mode, you can enter Neat Video and adjust its profile and filter settings. This is basically a feature of Vegas.

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