Harware rendering possible with NV?

questions about practical use of Neat Video, examples of use
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Harware rendering possible with NV?

Post by finnw »

Dear NV Team and Community,

the forum search was not really helpful in this case, so I post this:

Is there any other (faster) hardware rendering than the PC CPU possible with the NV PlugIn? Like Blackmagic, Matrox, OpenGL...? The rendertime for an 1,5 h clip with over 30 hs is really hard... (AM2 5000+, 4 GB Ram, Win7 64, Premiere CS3, Rendersetting: MediaEncoder MPEG2 HQ)
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Post by NVTeam »

No, currently you can only use a faster processor and memory to get higher speed.

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Location: Oslo, Norway

Post by Joran »

Remember you are doing two or three things at the same time.

1) You are using NeatVideo.
2) You are probably using some effects / transitions and so on.
3) You are transforming your video to MPEG2.

On my PC with 12 GB ram and the Intel i7 920 processor and Windows 7 64 bit, I render approximately 10 frames per second (without other effects etc). This is DV PAL and the render time for an 1.5 hour video (rendered to DV PAL) would be about three hours and 45 minutes (25/10=2.5*1.5 hours). So maybe you should get a faster PC?

Jøran Toresen
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