More control over sharpening

suggest a way to improve Neat Video
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More control over sharpening

Post by MoldCAD »

In my initial test of NV in Vegas, I noticed that sharpening (being so useful in this plug-in) tends to add feature lines which are a bit too contrasty and thick. I mean, with low Y values the effect is too weak; increase the value and the edges become very unnatural and look almost "embossed".

Would it be possible to add some more control over the parameters of the sharpening lines? I'm an EX1 user, and in this camera you can set parameters like "Frequency" which controls the lines' width, "white/Black limiter" which control how black the dark lines are, and how white the bright lines are respectively, etc....


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Re: More control over sharpening

Post by NVTeam »

MoldCAD wrote:In my initial test of NV in Vegas, I noticed that sharpening (being so useful in this plug-in) tends to add feature lines which are a bit too contrasty and thick.
That usually means an inaccurate noise profile is used. Please try to build a better profile and/or increase the noise levels in the Noise Filter Settings to make sure those residual noise elements (lines) are removed too. Again, please try to experiment with profiling, this is the key to better filtration.

Hope this helps,
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Post by MoldCAD »

Thanks Vlad,

I was using quite a good profile (88%) - so I guess I should try your second suggestion now (increasing the noise levels in the Filter settings).

However, I'm not quite sure whether I should actually increase them (more elements will be considered noise) - are you sure I shouldn't do the opposite?

An example to think about: tree foliage in a distance, so that the foliage is really fine detail (high frequency). After sharpening, it looks unnatural - BUT I wouldn't like NV treat anything here as noise, and remove it! This is all a fine detail, and not a noise...

So, should I actually be increasing the noise levels?


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Post by NVTeam »

That depends on whether those lines are actually residual noise elements or useful details. If they are noise elements, then increase the noise levels.
If they are details and sharpening makes them look unnatural, then it is necessary to change only sharpening settings: enable the conservative mode, reduce the amount of sharpening or not use sharpening at all. The results should look nice to your eyes so if sharpening makes the results worse then use less of it.

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